Cities as Forces for Good Network

Posts Tagged ‘Atlanta’

R. Villarroel Walker and M. B. Beck (2012). Published in Water Practice and Technology. Abstract A Multi-sectoral Systems Analysis (MSA)…

M. B. Beck, R. Villarroel Walker, and M. Thompson (2012)   Dawson RJ, Walsh CL and Kilsby CG (eds.) (2012)…

On governance for re-engineering city infrastructure. Beck M. B., Thompson M., Ney S., Gyawali D. and Jeffrey P. Published in…

(Now published and ) We divide the world into parts. And water is such a natural and prominent part of…

R. Villarroel Walker and M.B. Beck (2011) in Proceedings of the 2011 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held April 11-13, 2011,…

(Featured in the 2010 Annual Report of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources) Is it possible to re-engineer…