Cities as Forces for Good Network

Archive for the ‘Insights’ Category

Contributed by M. B. Beck   Much has been said of the promise of the Internet of Things (IoT). And…

September 2nd, 2014

Cleantech — Out of Grubby Tech

Contributed by M. B. Beck aka … Growing Rainbow This word “Rainbow”, I have found, bothers some of us. How…

Contributed by M. B. Beck Update (September, 2014): This article has been updated and published in a peer reviewed journal:…

A few months ago (October, 2012), we wrote a piece on Growing Blue to Grow Rainbow and posted it at…

Uncovering Nitrogen and Phosphorus — the “Cinderella” Global Material Flows A Consortium of UK universities, led by CFGNet member Professor…

October 12th, 2012

Growing Blue to Grow Rainbow

Contributed by M. B. Beck Update (2nd July, 2013): There is now a sequel to this post: Growing Profits, from…

Nutrient Flows: Costly Pollutants or Valued Resources? In this CFG Insight, Michael Thompson writes of how the way we value…

(Now published and ) We divide the world into parts. And water is such a natural and prominent part of…

(Featured in the 2010 Annual Report of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources) Is it possible to re-engineer…

February 10th, 2011

It’s getting windy

Based on the volume of news popping up in the last few days, it seems that wind energy is emerging as…