Based on the volume of news popping up in the last few days, it seems that wind energy is emerging as a key player in the race for increasing the share of clean energy in the US energy mix.
The government has recently announced a big boost for offshore wind initiatives (, as revealed by their strategic plan, which includes some $50M of funding for projects. On the mainland, things are no less interesting. Texas (Americans for energy leadership) is presently the lead state in wind energy, with already 10,000 MW of onshore installed capacity. In principle, this could provide electricity for more than 5.5 million homes in that state. Other central states, such as Iowa and Nebraska (Omaha World-Herald), have also made clear their ambitions with regard to wind energy.
Are we on the right path towards achieving targets such as those set forth by the WWF (panda) and, across the Atlantic, by the ECF (Europe)? The US government has just announced the SunShot initiative, alluding to President Kennedy’s “moon shot” phrasing of the 1960’s, in order to regain prominence in the solar photovoltaic market. Does this mean that a “WindShot” initiative is just around the corner?
In the end, a lot has to do with pushing the envelop and sustained political willingness.
Contributed by R. Villarroel Walker
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